Successful insurance agents understand that in such a dynamic industry, knowledge is key. Embracing a mindset of lifelong learning helps agents remain at the forefront, empowered to adapt swiftly, identify opportunities and provide innovative solutions for their clients.

Despite the benefits, many in our industry resist the concept of lifelong learning because they find it irrelevant to their actual challenges. It’s time we rethink this mindset.

Regulators mandate a certain amount of continuing education for agents to maintain licensing and stay in compliance with industry and state standards. Lifelong learning, by contrast, is self-directed and involves continually acquiring knowledge beyond formal education.

The insurance industry has traditionally approached lifelong learning poorly, often mandating repetitive and unengaging training that fails to address actual business needs. There’s also the negative impact of AI—no, not artificial intelligence but arrogance and ignorance. Arrogance comes from a false sense of knowing everything, and ignorance is not knowing what we don’t know.

Read the full article, written by SIAA’s Director of the Training & Learning Center, Jeff Chidester, published by Insurance Thought Leadership on August 6, 2023.