In this new year, agents should branch out of their comfort zones and consider how to improve their efforts to identify and capture new business.

How proficient is your independent insurance agency at marketing?

Marketing is one of the largest discretionary expenses for most businesses today, including insurance organizations. Truthfully, it should be considered mission-critical for driving sales. While the industry has made strides in recent years to improve and enhance its collective marketing and communications acumen, there’s still ample room for growth.

One of the most significant areas where we see room for improvement involves targeting the right audience. Targeting the individuals, businesses and organizations that fit your profile and want to do business with you is not a matter to be handled as an afterthought or casually. The improvements the industry has taken broadly on this front provide a valuable guide for what independent agents and agencies can follow to improve their own outreach.

Enforcing Training

Historically, few independent agents received adequate marketing training at the start of their insurance careers, and the same too often holds true today. As experienced agents progress in their roles, the likelihood that they will receive refresher marketing guidance or explore new and emerging best practices remains uncommon without some prompting from outside sources. Here at SIAA, we believe training is the ideal starting point for improved marketing efforts, but there are more in-depth measures agencies should consider.

Click here to read the full article, written by Doug Coombs, Chief Marketing Officer at SIAA, published February 5, 2023, on